Splendid By Porvenir is your one step away from the fruit and vegetable fields and packing facilities in Mexico and South America.
Fecha de PublicaciĆ³n: 06/05/2021
Mango is one of the most important fruits worldwide, as it ranks fifth among the main fruit products.
This fruit is the fourth most important fruit production in Mexico after orange, banana and lemon.
The mango is native to Asia, specifically northeast India and northern Burma, very close to the Himalayas. The distribution of its cultivation extended in the first instance to Southeast Asia and later to the Malay archipelago. Thus, the Portuguese took it first to the African continent and later to the coasts of Brazil, and from there it was distributed to the rest of America.
Currently, the largest mango producer is its country of origin, India, with 36.2% of the total production, while Mexico ranks seventh as a producer, contributing 4.2% of the total global volume.
The main mango producing entities in Mexico are: Guerrero, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Oaxaca, Chiapas.
Of the national total produced in 2013, 19% went to export (313 thousand tons), about 16% went to industry (250 thousand tons) and the remaining 65% to commercialization.
There are six varieties that account for 90% of the volume and production value: Ataulfo, Manila, Tommy, Haden, Kent and Keitt (these last four better known as petacones).