Fecha de PublicaciĆ³n: 23/07/2021
For 4 people
*6 lemons
* 1 cucumber
* .44 pounds of sugar
* 33 ounces of natural water
How to make cucumber lemonade
Difficulty: Easy
*Total time 15 m
* Elaboration10 m
* Cooking 5 m
* Rest 20 m
To make this cucumber lemonade, we start by squeezing the lemons and reserving the juice. On the other hand, with the mandolin, we cut some very thin cucumber slices that we will use to decorate the glasses when we serve our drink.
To sweeten our concoction, we prepare a syrup by dissolving the sugar in a glass of water and bringing it to a boil, while stirring well, for five minutes.
Thus we obtain a sugary product in which the sugar grains will not precipitate at the bottom of the jar. We let the syrup cool.
With a grater, we grate the rest of the cucumber, then placing them in a fine strainer where we squeeze them to obtain their juice. If you have a blender, you can also squeeze the cucumber like this and then strain it well, especially if you are going to make more.
In a jug, we mix the juice of the lemons, the cucumber and the syrup, completing with water until we reach a liter and a half approximately. Add ice and serve in individual jugs decorated with two or three cucumber slices.