
Splendid By Porvenir is your one step away from the fruit and vegetable fields and packing facilities in Mexico and South America.


Fecha de PublicaciĆ³n: 28/07/2021

* Helps prevent malformations in the child"s neural tube. Mango provides the body with high levels of folic acid, which is essential for any pregnant woman.
* Prevents constipation. Because it is rich in fiber, this fruit helps prevent constipation, a very common situation during pregnancy.
* Reduces the risk of anemia. The handle provides important levels of iron, essential to avoid an anemic picture.
* Good source of energy. To combat the exhaustion suffered during pregnancy, it is recommended to consume mango, since it provides energy and contains vitamins, such as A, B6 and C. It is recommended that future moms eat it during the third trimester of pregnancy, thanks to its contribution of calories, which are very necessary at that stage.
* As it is a fruit rich in sugars, its consumption should be limited in women who have problems with their blood glucose levels.